



The scope of 亚洲研究 is broad, covering some of the world’s oldest cultures. 通过动手学习和出国留学的机会, 你将亲身探索历史, 政治, 经济学, 以及东方文化, 东南部, 以及亚洲南部地区.

从而获得文学学士学位, 亚洲研究专业是多学科的, 挑战你在社会科学方面的流利程度, 人文学科, 艺术, 和业务. From immersing yourself in post-World War II 日本ese literature and film to studying the rapid economic growth of China, 你将了解传统, 语言, and historical contexts that shape emerging Asian countries — and will impact the entire world.


  • 宣布在三个领域之一的重点-中国, 日本, 或东部的联合地区, 南, 和东南亚 — and complete a minor (or a second major) in another department that complements your area of interest.
  • 完成沉浸式留学和国内实习经历, 日本, 和/或越南, through one of several programs with leading institutions in those countries.
  • Gain functional literacy in a language relevant to your area of focus; Clark offers 课程 in Chinese and 日本ese.
  • Asian studies is one of seven undergraduate programs affiliated with Clark’s 性别,种族和地区研究中心, 一个由学习多样化的教师和学生组成的社区, 弱势群体, 或者边缘化的社会和人群, 强调促进社会公正.


修完亚洲研究专业需要修十二门课程. 你将在以下三个领域中选择一个专业:中国, 日本, 或东部的联合地区, 南, 和东南亚, and complete a minor (or a second major) in another department that complements your area of focus.

Attaining a level of functional literacy in an Asian language relevant to your area of specialization is a key component of the Asian studies major. 你可以通过参加语言课程来达到这个目的, and by studying abroad for at least one semester — a full year is strongly recommended — through one of four programs:

  • 日本大阪附近的关西Gaidai大学
  • 在中国北京参加CET语言课程
  • 中国上海大学英语实习项目
  • 在胡志明市,越南

Asian studies is one of seven undergraduate programs affiliated with Clark’s 性别,种族和地区研究中心, a community of faculty and students from a variety of disciplines who study diverse, 弱势群体, 或者边缘化的社会和人群, 强调促进社会公正.

Dr. Lee Gurel获得48年亚洲研究奖
的博士. Lee Gurel获得48年亚洲研究奖 is given to an outstanding graduating senior for academic excellence in Asian studies.


  • 精通一门亚洲语言
  • 弹性, 持久性, 以及理解所需要的创造力, 住在, 在不熟悉的文化环境中谈判
  • Ability to integrate your new knowledge of Asian history and culture into a deeper understanding of liberal education

During your junior year, you might be accepted into the Asian studies honors program. Joining the program means you’ll work closely with a professor to create a thesis on a topic of your choice. 最近的荣誉论文题目有:

  • 中国文化大革命的伤痕文学
  • Cinema of the Defeated: The Postwar Crisis of Masculinity in 20th 世纪 German and 日本ese Films
  • 现代日本的恐怖、爱欲与幻想



The Clark Core allows students to take 课程 across diverse disciplines, helping them develop critical thinking skills and respect for other cultures and perspectives. You’ll connect classroom learning with action through world and workplace experiences.



“I wanted to be open to learning all that I could about a different and unique way of life. It’s part of my Chinese-American identity that I never had the opportunity to fully explore and learn about before.”

